Midwestern enrollment tops 700, sets record
KANSAS CITY—The fall 2007 headcount at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and College, SBC (MBTS) rose to 747 students, as of Aug. 30.
“We thank the Lord for His blessings to us,” said R. Philip Roberts, “not the least of which are the students He sends to study at Midwestern. He has been faithful to provide for us an outstanding faculty, a hard-working and dedicated staff, as well as the space and resources to continue to serve and prepare the ever-increasing numbers of students coming to Midwestern to pursue God’s call to ministry.”
This year’s non-duplicating headcount represents a three percent increase over last fall’s 722 students and 4 percent over fall 2005’s 718. The total non-duplicating headcount for the 2006-2007 school year came to 1,013 students. Headcount numbers include students enrolled in doctoral, master’s, undergraduate, CLD and WISDOM programs at the Kansas City campus location as well as those participating in extension courses in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa and South Dakota.
The seminary graduated 84 students in the May 2007 commencement. With the beginning of the fall 2007 semester, the seminary and college welcomed 178 new students, including all locations, for its initial headcount of 747 students.
In order to accommodate an increasing number of students and broadening spectrum of academic programs, Midwestern is also planning expansions that have become quite noticeable with the start of the fall semester. Following the finalization of the sale of a piece of the Seminary’s property, plans have begun in earnest to expand the current library, classroom and administration facilities, add more student housing and build a new chapel.