Thoughts on exec director search, liberal charities
One of the questions I am most frequently asked is, “When do you think the convention’s Executive Director Search Committee will have someone to recommend to the Executive Board?”
I do not know whom God has chosen nor the time frame in which it will be revealed. The search committee has chosen 11 nominees to begin examining and will narrow the list to five by the time they next meet on Feb. 19. You can read the latest on the committee’s work on page 9.
I think we have an outstanding search committee and I believe they are seeking the Lord’s guidance. From every indication they are organized and working well together. Missouri Southern Baptists ought to feel good about their search committee.
That said, I will offer some observations based on what we know at this point. Given the timeline set forth by the committee, it seems unlikely a recommendation will come in time for the Executive Board to vote on a candidate at its regularly scheduled April board meeting. The July board meeting seems more reasonable, but it is by no means a sure thing. The committee is not going to be pushed into a set timetable – nor should they be. By all accounts the committee and the Executive Board are comfortable with the leadership provided by interim Executive Director David Tolliver, so the search committee is in no rush.
One other thing to remember: Should God’s man for the position surface between scheduled Executive Board meetings in April and July and October, there can be a special-called meeting. The convention likes to avoid special sessions because of costs, but it is possible. Let’s make sure we keep the search committee in our prayers.
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Liberalism has a deceiving allure to it that allows it to gradually creep into every facet of life. Its unbiblical premise that man is basically good is tempting to accept. One of the latest facets of society that has bought into the liberal lie is charities.
Charities like Big Brothers and the United Way fell victim to high-profile controversies in recent years: Big Brothers for allowing homosexuals to mentor young boys and the United Way for – in some cases – defunding the Boy Scouts of America for their rejection of homosexuality. Now we learn the list is growing.
Life Decisions International (LDI), a national pro-life organization, has identified several charitable groups associated with Planned Parenthood and/or its agenda. Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in America. You might be shocked at the ones identified.
Read them and weep: the American Cancer Society, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Inc., Kiwanis Clubs, the March of Dimes, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Rotary Clubs and the YWCA. If you are involved with any of these organizations, I implore you to make sure your money is not going to an organization that kills unborn children. If you give money to these organizations, perhaps it is time you re-evaluate your charitable contributions.
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There was record attendance at the Legislative Prayer Service sponsored by Missouri Baptist Convention’s Christian Life Commission, The Pathway and Concord Baptist Church Jan. 9 and at the Governor’s Annual Prayer Breakfast Jan. 10. Let’s pray that these are signals that Christians in Missouri are taking seriously the fact that the Lordship of Jesus Christ should permeate every facet of reality.