Mission confab invites volunteers to Europe
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC–The Arkansas Baptist State Convention and First Baptist Church in Sherwood, Ark., will host the International Mission Board (IMB) Volunteer Summit for Central and Eastern Europe April 21-22 and related events April 19-20.
The free conference is for Great Commission churches, ministries and individuals who wish to discover specific ways they can help “tell the story of Jesus” to the peoples of the former Soviet Union and the entire region.
More than 40 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) missionaries and missions leaders will introduce attendees to the region and cover the topics of praying strategically, using media skills on the mission field and volunteering through partnerships with missionaries.
To register, visit hope4cee.org and select “IMB Volunteer Summit.”
Former MBTS president to speak at convocation
KANSAS CITY–Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s (MBTS) former president, Mark Coppenger, will speak at spring academic convocation. The convocation will be at 10 a.m. Jan. 29 at the chapel auditorium.
Coppenger was the seminary’s third president, serving from August 1995 to September 1999. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Ouachita Baptist University, Ark., and master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Vanderbilt University, Tenn., along with a master of divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
Coppenger has been a professor of Christian Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., since 2004. He also served as pastor of Evanston Baptist Church, Ill., Baptist Campus Ministry director of Northwestern University, and managing editor of the online Kairos Journal.
Before attending seminary, Coppenger taught at Wheaton College, Ill. and Vanderbilt University, where he directed a project for the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has authored, edited, and contributed to books by Broadman & Holman, Prentice-Hall, Baker, Crossway, Hannibal, Word, and Eerdmans. His articles and reviews have appeared in several periodicals and newspapers.
More volunteers needed at Texas County camp
HOUSTON – Missouri’s Baptist Builders need volunteer workers for the Texas County Baptist Association’s Simmons Camp. The teams will be installing an extension to the kitchen. They hope to complete the project by mid-May. For information, contact Raymond Laramore at (417) 967-2951 or (417) 260-1891.
First Baptist Meadville ordains five as deacons
MEADVILLE –First Baptist Church of Meadville recently ordained five men into the deacon ministry. The new deacons are Jason Crowe, Doug French, Tyler Long, Mike Sargent, and Stan Zell.
NAMB evangelism expert to speak at MBTS event
KANSAS CITY–Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) will host its 2008 Collegiate Conference Feb. 1-2 with Mike Licona, author and director of apologetics and interfaith evangelism for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). MBTS President R. Philip Roberts also will speak.
The conference is free for pastors, collegiate and youth ministers. One free admission is provided to every college student who brings five additional students. Cost to the general public is $15 per person. That includes two meals.