Bi-Vo dinner set for Jan. 28
The Missouri Baptist Bi-Vocational Ministers Association (MBBMA) will have a dinner for all bi-vocational pastors, vocational evangelists and their spouses at 5 p.m., Jan. 28 at First Baptist Church, Arnold.
Most of the cost for the dinner will be covered by the Missouri Baptist Convention, with attendees paying a small portion at the door. The dinner is being held just prior to the start of the State Evangelism Conference Jan. 28-29 at First Arnold.
To make reservations or for more information, contact Jack Slade, pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Lamar, at 417-682-3390 or at 417-681-0512 or by email at or call Becki Kelley at 800-736-6227, ext. 202.