Missouri briefs
Southside Baptist Church calls new pastor from HLG
HANNIBAL – Southside Baptist Church has called Chance Glen to be their full-time pastor. Chance and his wife, Cindy, and son, Nathan, live in Hannibal.
JEFFERSON CITY – The Baptist Secretaries Association of Missouri will hold its annual conference Oct. 15-17 at the Baptist Building here.
John Francis, worship specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), will lead in worship; John King, minister of students, First Baptist Church, Branson, will be the keynote speaker. King brings more than 10 years of oratory experience along with extreme enthusiasm and a deep appreciation for ministry assistants, according to an association press release.
This year’s theme, “It’s A Jungle Out There…but nothing can separate us from the love of Christ” taken from Romans 8, is designed to encourage and equip ministry assistants. There will be break-out sessions with various leaders including Neil Franks, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Branson; Ryan Bowman, pastor, Summit Woods Baptist Church, Lee’s Summit; and many MBC specialists.
Participants will have the opportunity to tour the Governor’s Mansion and/or the Capitol while in Jefferson City. For registration and lodging, contact the Convention at 800-736-6227. ext.202.
SHELL KNOB – First Baptist Church here will be celebrating its 100th anniversary on Oct. 7, with a celebration beginning at 2 p.m. Mike Green, president of the Missouri Baptist Convention, will be the featured speaker. Other guest speakers include Jerry Williams, director of missions for Barry County Baptist Association, and many previous pastors. Music will be provided by the group, “The Master’s Three.” For more information or directions, contact the church office at 417-858-3496.
HARTVILLE—Disaster Relief training in chain saw is being offered through the Wright-Douglas-Ozark Baptist Association Oct. 12-13 at Camp Calvary in Hartville. There will be three meals provided at camp and two separate training sessions. Camp housing is available for those who bring bedding with them; cots are provided.
Ministers’ Wives event coming to Tan-Tar-A
JEFFERSON CITY—Author Connie Cavanaugh will be the featured speaker Oct. 30 for the Missouri Baptist Ministers’ Wives Luncheon at noon in the Crystal Ballroom of Tan-Tar-A, Osage Beach.
Cavanaugh will be speaking on “The Journey: Facing the Giants of Ministry,” with a limited number of tickets at $16 apiece available at the door. Registration before the luncheon must occur before Oct. 5. Complete and return a registration form with $16 for each person being registered to Becki Kelly, Missouri Baptist Convention, 400 E. High St., Jefferson City, MO, 65101.
First Maysville prepares to celebrate 150 years
MAYSVILLE – First Baptist Church here will mark its sesquicentennial Oct. 7. The celebration will begin at 10:30 a.m. with Harland Ginn as guest speaker. There will be a catered lunch and the program will begin at 1:30 p.m. with testimonies from former pastors, members and friends. They will also offer guided tours of their new facilities.