MBC Committee on Committees named
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) President Mike Green named five ministers and three laypersons July 26 to serve on this year’s Committee on Convention Committees.
The Committee on Committees is required to fill some 25 positions on the MBC’s seven standing committees in time for messengers to approve them at the MBC’s annual meeting at Tan-Tar-A Oct. 29-31. Green appointed Denny Marr, minister of education and administration, Calvary Baptist Church, Republic, as chairman. Marr is also a member of the MBC Executive Board.
“Some people may look at this job as something undesirable, as administrative details that they wouldn’t want to do, but I personally think it is an honor and privilege to Missouri Baptists in this capacity,” Marr said, adding that the committee would be holding its meetings at the Baptist Building here. He said he hoped the committee would have its first meeting in early August.
The Committee on Committees is charged with filling positions on the MBC’s Committee on Convention Preacher, Committee on Resolutions, Committee on Order of Business, Credentials Committee, Committee on Continuing Review, Committee on Enrollment and Committee on Local Arrangements for the 2009 annual meeting in Kansas City. There must be one representative from each of the MBC’s eight regions on the Committee on Committees.
In addition to Marr (Southwest region), the other four ministers named to the committee and the regions in which they reside include: David Mason, pastor, Green Valley Baptist Church, St. Joseph, (Northwest); Richard Rhea, pastor, First Baptist Church, Troy, (East Central); Larry Greenfield, director of missions, Mineral Area Baptist Association, (South Central); and Brian Baker, minister of education and youth, Heartland Family Ministries, Belton; (West Central).
Laity named to the committee include: Stacy Seaton, First Baptist Church, Kahoka, (Northeast); Roy Dameron, Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, (Central); Judy Jetton, Ozark Baptist Church, Houston, (South Central).
Those named by the committee to serve on one of the MBC’s standing committees are scheduled to be reported in The Pathway about 30 days prior to the annual meeting so that messengers may see them before voting on them at the meeting.
The committee will bring a partial report on the second day of the annual meeting (Oct. 30) and its final report on the third day (Oct. 31).