McCune prepares to leave MBC staff position
JEFFERSON CITY – Ken McCune, who helped more than 60 new churches come into existence in his 7½-year tenure on staff with the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), is leaving his position to join the Illinois Baptist Convention starting Feb. 15.
McCune, who is a church planting specialist with the MBC, will now be a people group specialist with statewide responsibility in Illinois. He is in the process of moving from the Springfield area to Springfield, Ill.
“Ken, particularly in about the last three years, has just really developed enormously professionally in what he does,” said MBC Church Planting Director Jerry Field. “He has abilities in so many areas that in reality, there was a sense in which he has been outgrowing the job that he has. He’s done it superbly, at the highest level.”
Field said he is losing a very productive member of his team.
“Ken is very methodical,” Field said. “He works very quietly. He works exceedingly well in one-on-one relationships with directors of missions, pastors and planters. Because of his tenure, he has really established a very solid base of networks and influence there in the southwest part of the state.
“He works quietly. He doesn’t stir the water a lot as he goes through. He will be greatly missed.”
McCune is noted for his expertise among Hispanic, or Latino, people groups. He is fluent in Spanish, having served nine years on the mission field with the International Mission Board with his wife, Shyre, in Honduras. His service as a translator for other MBC staffers who minister in Latino circles has been invaluable, and his reputation among all parties involved is such that the friendly nickname “Santiago” has been bestowed upon him.
“Ken has done annual evaluations on some of the Spanish-speaking church planters and also in his work with directors of missions in those situations,”` Field said.
His ministry position in Illinois is somewhat open-ended at this point.
“There is a sense in which he will be involved in inventing a job description as it goes along,” Field said.