MBTS, College, SBC to present Preview Day for prospective students
KANSAS CITY – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and College, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) will host prospective students and their families at the Kansas City location for a ‘super-sized campus tour’ on Mar. 23. The theme for the event is “Step Up for Christ!” Students interested in undergraduate and graduate programs alike are encouraged to attend.
“Midwestern Seminary has much to offer for undergraduates and graduates alike,” said Midwestern President R. Philip Roberts. “The preview experience will allow them a great time to be exposed to these wonderful resources. As well each one coming will be given an opportunity to seek God’s will for their life.”
Students will have the opportunity to visit an actual class in session. During this time, parents will be invited to attend a question-and-answer time with a Midwestern faculty or staff member. Male and female housing tours will also be offered for parents and students.
Midwestern’s Vines Café will provide a continental breakfast along with registration. A lunch buffet will be offered in the middle of the day. Midwestern ambassadors will be available to visit with students and their families over lunch. The day will end at 2 p.m. with an ice cream reception.
For more information, please contact Amelia Hendra (816) 414-3708.
Two Pathway staffers get promotions
JEFFERSON CITY – Two staffers at The Pathway have been promoted and now have titles that more accurately reflect their responsibilities, Pathway Editor Don Hinkle announced Jan. 2.
Senior writer Allen Palmeri has been named associate editor and ministry assistant Andree Ziehmer has been named executive assistant to the editor.
Palmeri has been with The Pathway as a staff writer for four years, having joined the staff just two months after the print edition began in January 2003. He has written about a variety of subjects ranging from first-hand experiences in Romania to exclusive interviews with Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt.
Ziehmer joined The Pathway in February 2004 and has been responsible for the paper’s subscription services and administrative matters. A member of First Baptist Church, California, where she serves as an organist, Ziehmer has also overseen the operation of the newspaper’s exhibit and has been instrumental in the annual Legislative Prayer Breakfast co-sponsored by The Pathway.
“Allen and Andree are most deserving of these changes because of their hard work and dedication to the cause of Christ and to Missouri Southern Baptists,” Hinkle said. “The Pathway is blessed to have them on staff.”
LOWRY CITY – First Baptist Church and Fellowship Baptist Association will host a three-day fishing outreach event at Truman Lake beginning Jan. 19.
Based on Matthew 4:19 (“…be ye fishers of men”), the event is designed to encourage men and women of all ages to “go fishing” for souls.
Todd Cobbs from Houston, Texas will be the “fishing guide” for the weekend and will lead several evangelism training sessions on how to be used by the Lord to win souls before participants split up into teams to canvass the lake.
“This outreach is not another ‘program’ and provides no gimmicks for winning people to Christ,” said pastor Jeff Ferguson. “It is simply an opportunity for you to become the fisher of men Jesus intended you to be”
For more information, contact First Baptist Church of Lowry City at (417) 644-2942 or host Ferguson at (660) 525-4022.
Daniel Yates called as associate pastor
BETHANY – First Baptist Church has called Daniel Yates as their associate pastor of youth and children. Yates and his wife Kristin will begin the Feb. 1. They are coming to Bethany from DeSoto.
Wilson to pastor FBC Sarcoxie
SARCOXIE – Samuel D. Wilson has accepted the call to First Baptist Church. Wilson is married to Lee Ann and they have two children, Hallee and Luke.
The Wilsons come to Sarcoxie from Welch, Okla., where he served as associate pastor. He began Jan. 7.
Adams installed as deacon at Bethany
CAPE GIRARDEAU – Bill Adams was installed as a deacon Jan. 11 in a special service conducted by Shawn Wasson, pastor, Bethany Baptist Church here.
Wasson stressed the need for deacons in the church, based on Acts 6:1-6, and how those men placed in positions of leadership must be godly, of good report, based 1 Tim. 2:8-13. Wasson said Adams embodies the traits the Bible requires of a deacon, and is supported faithfully by his wife, Kay. The installation service was closed with Jerry Huskey, minister of music, dedicating the song “Thank You” to Adams.