Recommendations from the Executive Board to the churches of the Missouri Baptist Convention
Messengers attending 2006 MBC annual meeting will vote on proposals
1. That the 2007 Cooperative Program Goal of $16,500,000 be designated with the first one percent to promote CP and the remaining $16,335,500 be designated 36.00% for Southern Baptist Convention causes and 64.00% for Missouri Baptist Convention causes; and that the allocations be as follows:
Cooperative Program Allocations Budget $ 17,050,000 $ 16,500,000
Less: Missions Promotion/Education – CP (170,500 ) 1.00% (165,000 ) 1.00%
Southern Baptist Convention Causes $ 6,034,421 35.75% $ 5,880,600 36.00%
Christian Higher Education Operations 2,194,335 13.00% 2,123,550 13.00%
Total Institutions/Agencies $ 3,679,731 21.80% $ 3,234,330 19.80%
Executive Board Budget $ 6,642,083 39.35% $ 6,860,700 42.00%
SBC Annuity & Insurance Program $ 523,265 3.10% 359,370 2.20%
Total Missouri Baptist Causes $ 10,845,079 64.25% $10,454,400 64.00%
Total Cooperative Progarm Budget $ 16,879,500 100.00% $16,335,000 100.00%
Footnote: The MBC has five renegade entities that refuse to recognize the authority of the properly elected MBC Trustees. Operating expenses for these trustees are now built into the Executive Board line items of this budget. Upon the entities return, separate line items for each will be listed.
2. That all 2007 Cooperative Program receipts over $16,500,000 be distributed according to priority needs.
3. That the Convention approve the 2007 Executive Board budget by teams with the understanding that the line item Executive Board budget is printed in the Book of Reports for information only.
4. That Rheubin L. South Missouri Mission Offering funds received during 2006 be distributed in 2007 as follows (based on the 2006 MMO Offering Goal of $800,000):
Multicultural Church Planting
Summer Workers $5,000
Preschool/Children’s Ministry
Module (for church plants) $15,000
Missouri Baptist Children’s
Home (based on agreement
of 17%) $136,000
Collegiate Summer
Missionaries $130,000
CLD Contextualized
Leadership Development $5,000
Missouri Baptist Scholarships $10,000
Missouri Missions Offering
Promotions $35,000
Missouri Partnership Missions $35,000
5. That the Executive Board be authorized to adjust the budget and the Rheubin L. South Missouri Mission Offering allocations to meet priority requirements.
6. That the following goals be set for 2007:
Cooperative Program $16,500,000
MMO (distribute in 2008) $800,000
7. That the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention be held October 25-27, 2010, at the Springfield Expo Center, Springfield, Missouri.
8. That the Missouri Baptist Convention enter into a partnership with the Baptist Association of El Salvador (this is the equivalent of our National Convention) beginning in January, 2007 for three years with the option to continue a year at a time for two additional years.
9. That the Missouri Baptist Convention exercise the option to continue the Romanian partnership for one additional year.
10. That the Convention authorize a special partnership offering to be taken on Tuesday evening, October 31, 2006. The offering will be used to assist the partnership mission work of the Missouri Baptist Convention.