Pastors’ Conference Schedule
8:50 “Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
9:00 Conference Introduction…… Vic Borden
Prayer…………………………….. Vic Borden
9:10 Testimony…………………………. J.T. Elliff
The Master’s Builder Must Have Integrity
9:30 Nehemiah’s 1st Building Block Tom Elliff
The Master’s Builder Engages in Intercession
Integrity in His Prayer Life
10:15“Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
10:30 Conference Offering Joe Braden
The Master’s Builder Gives Cheerfully
10:35 MO Constitutional Amendment
Voting for Life!
10:40 Nehemiah’s 2nd Building Block Jim Elliff
The Master’s Builder Exemplifies Separation
Integrity in His Personal Life
11:30 Lunch Break [until 12:50]
2006 Pastors’ Conference Officers
12:50“Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
1:00 Prayer……………………………. Vic Borden
1:05 Nehemiah’s 3rd Building Block Jon Elliff
The Master’s Builder Encourages Cooperation
Integrity in His Relational Life
1:45 “Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
2:00 Conference Offering……….. Jerry Tharp
The Master’s Builder Gives Sacrificially
2:10 Nehemiah’s 4th Building Block Bill Elliff
The Master’s Builder Expresses Dedication
Integrity in His Devotional Life
2:55 Election…………………………. Vic Borden
2007 Pastors’ Conference Officers
3:05 “Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
3:30 Nehemiah’s 5th Building Block Tom Elliff
The Master’s Builder Endures Persecution
Integrity in His Ministerial Life
2007 Pastors’ Conference Officers
4:25 Closing Remarks / Benediction Joe Braden