2006 Nominating Committee Report to the Missouri Baptist Convention
The MBC Nominating Committee has released the following nominees. The Nominating Committee will bring its full report during the Tuesday morning session on Oct. 31. The committee will finalize its report in a meeting prior to the annual meeting.
An (M) following a nominee’s name denotes a minister and an (L) denotes a layperson. Listings followed by an asterisk indicate proposed re-election to a second term.
Term Expiring 2007
1. Michael Knight, FBC, Viburnum (M) (SE) (filling the unexpired term of Ken Jones)
Term Expiring 2008
1. To be announced (filling the unexpired term of Larry Fackler in the East Central Region)
Term Expiring 2009
2. Vic Borden, Red Bridge, Kansas City (M) (WC)
3. Jesse Cass, Jamesport Baptist Church (M) (NW) *
4. Robert Collins, Plaza Heights, Blue Springs (M) (WC) *
10. Denny Marr, Calvary, Republic (M) (SW)
11. Mark McMullin, FBC, Piedmont (M) (SE)
13. Terry Moots, Hillcrest, Lebanon (L) (SC) *
16. Guy Thomas, FBC, Princeton (M) (NW) *
18. Jim Wells, DOM, Tri County Association, Nixa (M) (SW)
Missouri Baptist Christian
Life Commission
Term Expiring 2009
1. Jim Carter, Macedonia, Springfield (M) *
2. Phil Gloyer, Forest Park, Joplin (L)
4. Brad Young, FBC, Ferguson (L)
Missouri Baptist Historical Commission
Term Expiring 2009
Missouri Baptist Foundation
Term Expiring 2009
1. James How, Faith, Washington (L) *
Term Expiring 2007
Term Expiring 2008
Term Expiring 2009
2. Doug Funk, FBC, Annapolis (L)
2. Karen Moore, Tower Grove, St. Louis (L) *
Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
Term Expiring 2007
1. Donna Qualls, FBC, Arnold (L) (filling the unexpired term of Joyce Noland)
Term Expiring 2009
1. Bev Corum, Kearney (L) *
2. Robyn Hassien, FBC, Vandalia
(L) *
4. Robert McCutcheon, Sturgeon
(M) *
Term Expiring 2009
1. Rex Childress, Antioch, Lebanon (M)
4. John Rhodes, Jackson (M) *
6. Ray Spencer, FBC, Gallatin (M)
7. Charles Stults, New Hope, Exeter (M) *
Hannibal-LaGrange College
Term Expiring 2007
1. Ben Teague, FBC, Louisiana, (M) (filling the unexpired term of John Shaw)
Term Expiring 2010
1. Robin Graves, Faith, Washington (L) (filling the unexpired term of Steve Miller)
Term Expiring 2011
To be named, term expiring 2011:
1. Pat Benson, Calvary, Hannibal (L)
4. Judy Harding, Prince Avenue, Hannibal (L)
Missouri Baptist University
Term Expiring 2008
1. Jesse Barnhart, FBC, Mayview (filling the unexpired term of Keith Snyder)
Term Expiring 2009
1. Melvin Bishop, St. Louis (L) *
4. Roger Moran, Troy (L) *
Southwest Baptist University
Term Expiring 2009
2. Gary Brown, FBC, Richland (L) *