Missouri launches unique twist to Acts 1:8
By Allen Palmeri
Senior Writer
January 24, 2006
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri ranks third in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) with 242 Acts 1:8 Challenge churches, according to the latest North American Mission Board statistics.
Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Cooperative Program Specialist David Tolliver is launching the “Show-Me Acts 1:8” emphasis at the State Evangelism Conference Jan. 23-24 at Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Springfield. Tolliver said the emphasis will give Missouri Baptist churches even more ways to take part in the Acts 1:8 Challenge, which includes more than 2,000 churches throughout the SBC.
“Those 242 churches, up to this point, all they’ve had to do is fill out a card or click on a Web site,” Tolliver said. “Now, we’re going to put some feet to Acts 1:8. I honestly think we’ll double the number.”
Under Show-Me Acts 1:8, churches are being asked to choose at least two items under each of the four categories of “Jerusalem,” “Judea,” “Samaria,” and The Ends of the Earth.” Jerusalem is your community, Judea is your association, Samaria is your state and The Ends of the Earth is your world.
“I’m glad to tie Acts 1:8 to CP,” Tolliver said. “CP is not just, ‘I want more of your money.’ It’s ‘let me help you reach the world for Christ.’”
The Acts 1:8 Challenge is strategically linked with the SBC’s Empowering Kingdom Growh emphasis.
For more stories about Missouri missions and the Acts 1:8 Challenge.