Relief workers still needed in Algiers
December 13, 2005
ALGIERS, La. – In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Missouri Baptists provided 4,613 showers, 1,999 loads of laundry, served nearly half a million meals and removed countless tons of downed trees debris and mud. And the job is still far from over.
“If you or any one from your church wants to go there is plenty of work and the workers are few,” said David Wells, disaster relief coordinator for Jefferson Baptist Association.
Volunteers – trained or untrained – are needed for Jan. 5-14, Jan. 13-22 and Jan. 21-30 to help man the feeding and shower units as well as helping clean churches in the area. For more information or to volunteer, contact Gary Morrow at or in southeast Missouri, John Rhodes at
The state shower/laundry unit and the state feeding unit are both at Calvary Baptist Church in Algiers, a community within New Orleans on the west bank of the Mississippi.