VBS, kids, witnessing for 90 years!
March 11, 2003
JEFFERSON CITY — I have just received a fresh vision for reaching children with the gospel. This, at a time when our Missouri Baptist Convention’s “Traveling Vacation Bible School (VBS) Road Show” is completing many days and miles of travel in preparation for this summer’s VBS.
Bruce Morrison, Sondi Scroggins, Pam Jeffries, Joyce Taylor, Mike and Diane Blackwood, Della Baumgartner, Norma Houston and Marsha Naugle have been in four locations across Missouri equipping our churches with VBS tools for probably the greatest outreach event we have to reach children for Christ. Have you ever thought of the immense Kingdom impact this can have? Let me share a fresh vision with you.
Due to today’s enhanced medical and nutritional breakthroughs, the department of Health and Human Services has released a study that suggests children born today will live to 100 years of age, on AVERAGE! Isn’t that incredible to think about? Even today, many people don’t really “retire” at age 65. They are healthy and strong. Many leave one job to then take up pursuit of an interest or career that has laid dormant for many years.
What does this have to do with VBS, kids and witnessing for 90 years? I am so glad you asked that question. This means if you reach a child with the Gospel when they are 10 years old and equip them with a simple means to share Christ, they will have a ministry life of 90 years! How very different that is from reaching an adult today, at age 50, who then only has 35 years of life and ministry to serve Christ. The Kingdom of God can be impacted positively for 90 years by reaching a child for Christ!
Therefore, I want to urge you to enthusiastically, liberally and personally get involved in your church’s VBS this summer. Don’t stop there. Get involved by teaching in your children’s church, Sunday School, RAs, GAs, AWANA, backyard Bible clubs and whatever other children’s ministries your church has. Might I even suggest you start something new to reach kids? The potential for Kingdom impact is awesome to think about.
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. — Mark 10:13-14