The Day Missouri Missions Offering Died!
David A Waganer
September 23, 2003
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Did you notice the headline of this article? What thoughts went through your mind? Did you simply accept it or were you alarmed and burdened over the possibility of such a thing even occurring?
During the 1990’s, a tract appeared in Southern Baptist congregations entitled, "The Day the Cooperative Program Died." The possibility of the Cooperative Program dying caused quite a commotion in our convention. Since 1925, the Cooperative Program has remained the primary mission channel for churches to give through! The Missouri Missions Offering (MMO) hasn’t been around for nearly as long but it has become an excellent channel for supporting missions in Missouri. Have you ever thought about what impact it would have if we allowed the Missouri Missions Offering to die?
We desire to keep the Missouri Missions Offering alive! We need your help to make an impact in seeing lives changed as a result of the ministries supported through the Missouri Missions Offering. This year’s theme is "Empowering Kingdom Growth: Missouri." The offering goal is $750,000 and will fund ministries in 2004. The offerings received support ministries in church planting, evangelism, collegiate summer missionaries, disaster relief, partnerships and youth ministries, as well as many others.
Will you help make a difference by supporting the Missouri Missions Offering in the following ways?
First, encourage your church to receive the Missouri Missions Offering.
Remember how the boy’s lunch — when placed in the hands of Jesus and committed to the heavenly Father — provided more than enough food to feed the multitude? When people in our congregations are given an opportunity to give and what is received is placed before our Lord, it is amazing what God can do. Currently, we have an increase of more than 200 churches over the number in 2002 that have requested MMO materials. We are counting on you stepping up to encourage your church to receive an offering.
Second, pray for the need to be supported through the offerings received.
Offerings received from the churches this Fall will support 2004 ministries that will impact lives throughout Missouri. What an opportunity to get outside the walls of your church and beyond the area of your church field to impact lives in Missouri with the Gospel!
Third, give sacrificially through the MMO!
Face the challenge and give more than you have ever given for Missouri missions and encourage your church family to give until it feels good. You cannot out give our Lord. Giving to missions will open the floodgates of heaven.
Fourth, go into areas of ministry throughout Missouri by both volunteering some time and by your financial support so others can go.
In 1 Peter 2:9, the apostle declares, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light." We do have a stewardship responsibility of sharing our resources and even the Gospel with those still in the darkness of sin.
Will you join with other Missouri Baptists in supporting Missouri missions this year? Throughout Missouri there are people who are living in darkness and need to experience the light of Jesus Christ. Our Lord has given us this unique time in Missouri and the responsibility of sharing the Christian message with those who need Jesus.
With your help and the help of others, we can keep the MMO alive as an effective mission channel to reach this state with the gospel message. Thank you for the support you give through both the MMO and the Cooperative Program!