The Jesus Example: Servant Evangelism at Crossover Springfield
Ken McCune
October 14, 2002
There is no mistaking the intentional purpose of Jesus to serve during His earthly ministry. He told His disciples ". . .the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. . ." (Mt. 20:28, NIV). His servanthood was demonstrated in countless ways, not the least of which was by offering living water to a Samaritan woman, feeding over 5,000 hungry people, washing his disciples feet, and dying on Calvary’s cross for sinners. As His followers we are commanded to likewise give ourselves in service to others (Mt. 25:40).
Crossover Springfield offers an opportunity through servant evangelism to put into action what Jesus has commanded. On Oct. 26-27 churches from Springfield and surrounding communities will partner with volunteers from throughout the state to do acts of servanthood in their areas in order to demonstrate Christ’s love and open an opportunity to share the good news. Just a few of the activities they will be involved in are: light bulb giveaways, kitchen spice giveaways, free oil change, free car wash, and returning shopping carts at busy shopping centers. For those who are thinking about volunteering to help in servant evangelism during Crossover Springfield consider the following:
- Servant evangelism is simple.
- Servant evangelism is fun.
- Servant evangelism is for all ages.
- Servant evangelism is effective.
Bob Reccord, president of the North American Mission Board has this to say about servant evangelism: "When Jesus walked on this earth, He used a servanthood ministry to build a bridge over which the message of the kingdom could cross. I believe one of the most effective means of evangelism for the 21st century will be servanthood evangelism based on ministry."
Prior to the annual Missouri Baptist meeting Missouri Baptists will have the chance to share in the Jesus example through servant evangelism. If you would like to be a volunteer in servant evangelism during Crossover Springfield contact me, coordinator for servant evangelism, by e-mail ( or telephone (417-877-8368). (Ken McCune is the Missouri Baptist Convention’s coordinator for servant evangelism.)