‘Seasons of Shepherding’ theme of Pastors’ Conference
September 28, 2004
JEFFERSON CITY – “Seasons of Shepherding” is the theme of this year’s Missouri Pastors’ Conference set for Oct. 25 at First Baptist Church, Raytown.
Seven speakers are scheduled along with a variety of special musical guests for the event which immediately precedes the convening of the Missouri Baptist Convention’s annual meeting later that night. The conference will begin at 8:50 a.m. and conclude at 4:40 p.m.
Among the speakers will be Bobby Welch, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor, First Baptist Church, Daytona Beach, Fla., and renown evangelist David Ring. Musical guests include Southern Gospel singing stars Heaven Bound and the Red Bridge Baptist Church Youth Choir, both from Kansas City.
Other featured speakers will include Paul Negrut, president, Romanian Baptist Union; Rick Hedger, pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Neosho; Bill Massey, foundation officer, Missouri Baptist Children’s Home; and Tony Preston, professor, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Officers for this year’s conference are: Mike Green, president, pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Republic; Monte Dunn, president-elect, pastor, Pleasant View Baptist Church, Highlandville; and Victor Borden, treasurer, pastor, Red Bridge Baptist Church, Kansas City.
Monday Morning Session
8:50 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
9:00 Introductions Mike Green
Welcome David Clippard
9:10 Special Music Sounds of Praise Choir
9:20 Message Rick Hedger
A Call to Salvation – The Need of a Sure Foundation
9:50 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
9:55 Special Music Sounds of Praise Choir
10:00 Message Paul Negrut
A Call to Citizenship – The Need of a Salty Influence
10:35 Conference Offering Monty Dunn
10:40 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
10:50 Special Music Calvary Praise Team
11:00 Message Bill Massey
A Call to Sacrifice – The Need of a Surrendered Ministry
Lunch Break [until 12:45 PM]
Monday Afternoon Session
12:45 Pre-Session Music Heaven Bound
12:55 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
1:00 Invocation
1:05 Special Music Heaven Bound
1:10 Message David Ring
A Call to Suffer – The Need of a Sufficient Savior
1:45 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
1:50 Special Music Calvary Praise Team
1:55 Message Bobby Welch
A Call to Serenity – The Need of a Steadfast Hope
2:30 Congregational Offering Vic Borden
2:35 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
2:45 Special Music Calvary Praise Team
2:55 Message Tony Preston
A Call to Serve – The Need of a Selfless Motivation
3:25 Election of Pastors’ Conference Officers Mike Green
3:35 Congregational Praise Denny Marr
3:45 Special Music Calvary Praise Team
3:55 Message Paul Negrut
A Call to Steadfastness – The Need of a Strong Finish
4:30 Introduction of New Officers Mike Green
4:40 Benediction