MBC delivers petitions supporting constitutional amendment
March 16, 2004
Jefferson City – The Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) delivered more than 8,500 signatures to the Missouri Legislature on March 15 in support of amending the Missouri Constitution to define marriage as being between one man and one woman.
The informal petition campaign was launched two weeks ago with Missouri Baptists being asked to support the proposed amendment by registering on the Internet or by signing a paper petition and mailing it to the Executive Director’s office at the MBC.
“Ever since the floodgate of homosexual ‘marriages’ opened up across the country, Missouri Baptists have expressed a lot of interest about
how to get behind a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as one man, one woman," said David Clippard, MBC executive director.
“There’s nothing formal about this petition. We just want to let them know that we are concerned about the moral issues of the day."
The petitions were delivered to Missouri House of Representatives and Senate leadership by Clippard, Kerry Messer, MBC lobbyist, and Rodney Albert, chairman of the MBC’s Christian Life Commission and pastor, First Baptist Church , Hallsville.
Also, Missouri Baptists were not the only ones with signatures. United Methodists, Lutherans and Roman Catholics also heard about the petition drive and signed their name as well.