MBC men’s ministry offering letter writing contest for boys
April 13, 2004
JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Baptist Men’s Mission and Ministry office has announced a Father’s Day letter writing contest for boys in Missouri Baptist churches.
Danny Decker, men’s mission and ministry specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention, said the purpose of the contest is to give Royal Ambassadors and Challengers an opportunity to make Father’s Day 2004 memorable with a letter about why they would like to be like their dad.
First place letters will be published in the June 8 edition of The Pathway. First place winners also will receive a certificate and a Bible. Second- and third-place winners will receive a certificate and a book.
Decker said all letters must be in the Men’s Mission and Ministry office by May 26. Letters can be mailed to the office at 400 E. High St., Jefferson City, Mo, 65109, or e-mailed to ddecker@mobaptist.org.
Letters must include name of the dad, name of the writer with address, phone number and grade in school and address the topic of “Why I Want to be Like My Dad."
Word limits for letters are: Grades 1-3, 45-75 words; grades 4-6, 100-150 words; and grades 7-12, 150-200 words.