Negrut eager to speak to Missouri Baptists
By Allen Palmeri
Staff Writer
February 3, 2004
Paul Negrut, president of the Romanian Baptist Union |
JEFFERSON CITY – Paul Negrut, president of the Romanian Baptist Union, will be in Missouri Feb. 18-24 to promote the partnership between Missouri and Romanian Baptists.
Negrut is looking forward to talking with Missouri Baptists about opportunities to plant churches in his homeland.
“The Missouri Baptist Convention has such a great sense of divine calling to missions and church planting overseas," Negrut said. “This is a great, great historical time in the life of our conventions."
His prayer is that Missouri Baptists would understand the times and embrace “what God is expecting us to do in this great, historical time in the life of the Romanian Baptist Union, when the doors are wide open for the Gospel."
Make no mistake, Negrut said. Romanians are hungry for God.
“Our God is a God of great miracles, and the greatest miracle is the miracle of new birth," Negrut said. “When a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, a senior adult, comes to understand the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and believes in Jesus Christ and is born anew, that is a great miracle!
“I have seen in the last few weeks hundreds and hundreds of people being saved in Romania in evangelistic meetings. The Lord is encouraging me to press on in prayer and preparation, trusting Him for the years to come in spreading the Gospel and enlarging the Kingdom."
Negrut’s speaking tour schedule is as follows:
Feb. 18 – Chapel, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, 10 a.m.; Second Baptist Church, Springfield, 6 p.m.
Feb. 19 – Chapel, Baptist Building, Jefferson City, 10 a.m.
Feb. 20 – Real Evangelism Conference, First Baptist Church, Arnold, TBA.
Feb. 21 – Breakfast, 8 a.m., First Baptist Church, Arnold, everyone invited, no cost, RSVP to Jim Nicolls at (636) 296-7729, ext. 147.
Feb. 22 – Heartland Baptist Church, St. Louis, 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.; Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, 6 p.m.
Feb. 23 – Lunch, 11:30 a.m., Baptist Building, Jefferson City, everyone invited, no cost, RSVP to Linda Stockton at 800-736-6227, ext. 621; First Baptist Church, Macon, 7 p.m.
Feb. 24 – Lunch, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, 11:30 a.m., everyone invited, no cost, RSVP to Leah Holdsworth at (816) 414-3701; Highview Baptist Church, Chillicothe, 7 p.m.