‘Clash of Cultures’ confab coming to Midwestern
Apologist J.P. Moreland headlines
By Cory Miller
MBTS Communications Director
December 9, 2004
KANSAS CITY – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 5001 N. Oak Trafficway, will host and co-sponsor the 2005 Evangelism Ministries to New Religions (EMNR) Conference on Feb. 24-26. The theme of the conference is “Clash of Cultures: Christianity in the Marketplace of Religion.”
Conference plenary speakers will include: Kansas City-native J. P. Moreland, professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Midwestern Seminary President Phil Roberts; Jerry L. Buckner, pastor of Tiburon Christian Fellowship in Tiburon, Calif.; Bill McKeever, founder of the Mormon Research Ministry; and Elwood Chipchase, president of Calvary Bible College and Seminary.
Plenary sessions are scheduled to be:
• “The Three-Way Worldview Struggle for America’s Soul” by Moreland
• “Grandpa, What Did You Do in the War?” by McKeever
• “The Cult of Black Liberal Theology” by Buckner
• “The DaVinci Code and Christian Witness: An Opportunity for Fruitful Outreach” by Roberts
• “Pastors and Apologists: Adversaries or Allies?” by Chipchase
Additionally, there are numerous workshops available both days of the conference, including eight from Midwestern Seminary faculty.
All plenary sessions are open to the general public at no charge; however, all guests must register and obtain a conference badge to attend any of the workshops.
Registration for the conference is $35 for non-EMNR members before Jan. 1, 2005, and $25 for EMNR members before Jan. 1, 2005. To register, contact EMNR online at: http://www.emnr.org, or by phone at 205-833-2858.
Additionally, one academic credit can be earned from MBTS. To learn about academic credit, contact the Midwestern Registrar’s office at 877-414-3713.
EMNR is a professional membership association for individuals and ministries addressing “cults” of Christianity, new religious movements, and world religions.
Midwestern Seminary, an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, seeks to biblically educate God-called men and women to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the world.