August 17, 2004
SBC Conservative, Moderates contrasted & compared |
Conservatives | Moderates |
Theological Differences |
Affirm the inerrancy of the Bible. Find no errors in the autographs philosophically, theologically, scientifically, or historically. | Affirm the authority of the Bible in matters of salvation. Find some errors in areas such as science and history. |
The Bible is the Word of God | The Bible contains/becomes the Word of God | |
Emphasize the necessity of theological integrity. | Emphasize the necessity of theological diversity. | |
All are creationists, though not all are "young earthers". | Many are theistic evolutionists. | |
All affirm soteriological exclusivism (people are saved on through Christ). | Many affirm soterioligical inclusivism (some in other religions may be saved) | |
Affirm Scripture as the foundational source of religious spiritual authority. | Affirm Scripture, along with reason, experience, and tradition as sources of religious/spiritual authority. | |
Affirm congregationalism with strong pastoral authority/leadership | Affirm congregationalism with strong congregational authority and democratic process. | |
Oppose women as pastors (complementarians in home & church). | Affirm women as pastors (egalitarians in home & church). |
View autonomy as precious check against both hierarchicalism & connectionalism | View autonomy as the right of every church to do or believe what it wishes and not have its fellowship questioned associationally or denominationally. | |
Affirm the eternal continuation of both heaven & hell | Some embrace idea of the annihilation of the wicked. | |
See the priesthood of all believers as guaranteeing direct access to God for all believers and primarily as a doctrine of responsibility. | See the priesthood of all believers as giving to each the right to believe anything he/she wishes. Often change the term to "priesthood of the believer." | |
Discover no contradictions or internal inconsistencies in the Bible when it is properly interpreted. | Discover numerous contradictions and internal inconsistencies in the Bible. | |
Affirm historical-grammatical interpretation. | Affirm historical-critical interpretation. | |
Find no mythological elements in Scripture. | Are open to mythological elements in Scripture. | |
Emphasize the transcendent truth of Scripture. | See much of the Bible as culturally conditional. | |
Moral Differences |
Pro-life. | Pro-choice. |
Most favor a voluntary prayer amendment. | Most oppose a voluntary prayer amendment. | |
All see homosexuality/lesbianism as a sin and a choice of lifestyle. | Some see homosexuality-lesbianism as an acceptable lifestyle and a pre-disposed psychological orientation. |
Political Differences |
Most are Reagan/Bush Republicans (political right). | Most are Carter/Clinton Democrats (political left). |
Emphasize peacemaking together with a strong military. | Emphasize peacemaking with a much smaller military. | |
Favor smaller government, lower taxes, state and local rights, greater individual freedom. | Most favor big federal government with multiplied social and welfare programs. | |
Advocate separation of church and state to the extent that government neither establishes religion nor interferes with its practice. | Advocate separation of church and state to the extent that the church makes little attempt to impact community morality through government. | |
Denomina- tional Differences |
See the other as "moderates," or "liberals," or "neo-orthodox." | See the other as "fundamentalists." |
View creeds and confessions as important defining documents, though always subject to Scripture. | View creeds and confessions as problematic at best, confining and wrong at worst. | |
Believe that the institutions and agencies of a denomination should operate with confessional integrity. | Believe that the institutions and agencies of a denomination should operate without confessional restraint. | |
Are intensely evangelistic and missionary. | Are inclined heavily toward "social ministries." | |
Are more comfortable in cooperative ventures with evangelical groups like IVF, Campus Crusade, and Wycliffe Bible Translators. | Are more comfortable in cooperative ventures with groups like CBF, BJCPA, and mainline denominations. | |
By Daniel L. Akin – President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC. |