The Pathway to offer free
voters’ guides
August 31, 2004
JEFFERSON CITY — The Pathway will offer free 2004 Voters’ Guides in October in an effort to encourage Missouri Baptists to register, inform them on where the candidates’ stand on the issues, and to vote.
Every Pathway subscriber will receive the eight-page tabloid which will be an insert to the Oct. 12 issue of The Pathway. In addition, The Pathway is taking orders from churches that would like to distribute the guides to its membership. There is no limit to the number of guides churches may order. Copies of the guide will also be available at the Missouri Baptist Convention’s annual meeting Oct. 25-27 at First Baptist Church, Raytown.
“We are delighted to offer this free publication as a service to Missouri Southern Baptists,” said Don Hinkle, editor of The Pathway. “There are important issues at stake in this election. Southern Baptists must register, be informed on where the candidates stand on the issues and then vote.