May 20, 2003
D. James Kennedy is senior pastor of the 10,000-member Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. |
Albert Mohler, Jr., is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky |
JEFFERSON CITY — Two of America’s most renowned theologians and Christian apologists will be the featured speakers when Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) messengers gather for their 2003 state convention in St. Louis, Nov. 4-5.
D. James Kennedy, senior pastor of the 10,000-member Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., will address messengers at the convention to be held at the downtown Millennium Hotel, formerly the Regal Riverfront.
The theme of this year’s convention, "Empowering Kingdom Growth," comes from Matthew 6:33a, "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness."
This year’s theme interpretation will be delivered by Roy Fish, distinguished professor of evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
"I don’t know of anytime that the Missouri Baptist Convention has ever had a better group of speakers collectively than this group," said Fred Powell, chairman of the MBC Committee on Order of Business. "No question we’ve had great speakers in the past, but nothing as great as this collection when it comes to name identification and their ability to preach the Word of God and share the love of God."
Kennedy’s broadcast messages are televised from Coral Ridge to 40,000 cities in the United State and to 202 nations. His television ministry, known as "The Coral Ridge Hour," ranks as the nation’s second most widely syndicated weekly Christian television program. His radio ministry, "Truths That Transform," is heard nationwide.
Kennedy is also known for his lay-witnessing program, "Evangelism Explosion." He is also founder and chancellor of Knox Theological Seminary and founder of Westminster Academy, a fully-accredited K-12 Christian academy with more than 1,200 students. Both are located in Fort Lauderdale.
Kennedy is scheduled to address the convention in the Wednesday morning (Nov. 5) session.
Mohler has become one of the leading conservative evangelical figures of our day. His role as a strategic leader among Southern Baptists and in the wider evangelical world has been recognized by TIME magazine, Christianity Today and other leading publications. A noted author and speaker, Mohler led the task force that produced the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.
Mohler is a frequent guest on nationally televised news programs, including CNN’s "Larry King Live" and is quoted frequently in The New York Times, The Washington Post and many other major newspapers. His commentaries appear regularly in Religion News Service and WORLD magazine.
Mohler is scheduled to address the convention on Tuesday afternoon (Nov. 4).
Fish has taught at Southwestern since 1965. Perhaps no one has taught evangelism to more theological students than Fish.
He has pastored five churches since 1950 and as served as interim pastor to more than 40 other churches. He has written numerous books, including When Heaven Touched Earth: The Awakening of 1858 and Its Effects on Baptists.
Fish’s messages will be sprinkled throughout both days of the convention.
Other scheduled speakers include Monte Shinkle, MBC president and pastor of Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City; and John Duncan, pastor, First Baptist Church, Cassville, who will deliver the convention sermon.
Another highlight of this year’s convention will be a North American Mission Board missionary commissioning service scheduled for Tuesday evening (Nov. 4.) Bob Reccord, president of the NAMB is scheduled to attend.
Music for the convention will be coordinated by Tony Ward, minister of music, Concord Baptist Church. A six-person vocal group from Concord, One Voice, along with the Concord choir and orchestra will perform throughout the convention. Other special musical guests will also appear.
The annual MBC Pastor’s Conference will precede the convention on Nov. 3. It will be held at the Millennium Hotel as well.