H.B. London to parents: ‘Don’t waffle’ with your kids
By Brian Koonce
Staff Writer
November 1, 2005
SPRINGFIELD– H.B. London, vice president of Focus on the Family, literally made the family his focus during his keynote address at the annual meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Oct. 26. He echoed an emphasis of the meeting, the strengthening of the family in a cultural gone haywire.
“The society in which we live has an insidious ability to walk into our homes and snatch our children and our grandchildren out from under our very noses,” he said.
London urged parents and to insure that their children feel loved and accepted, citing the parable of the prodigal son.
“In this civilization, there are so many influences that are dragging our children to ‘the far country,’” he said. “We as a church, we as moms and dads and we as grandparents, can never stop going at the end of the day and looking down the road. It’s never too late to bring young people back into the fold.”
But not only will a strong family help prevent and restore rebellion, but it will impact those outside the family.
“If want to change the culture, you need to change the home. Then when you send your kids out the door, they’ll change the culture,” London said.
“That’s why it’s so important that moms and dads not waffle and not downplay the roll of church and the Bible and prayer together. If you do, they will take that attitude out into the world. You don’t need six generations of being in the church to change the world. It starts in home. Call your kids and tell them that you love them.”
Based in Colorado Springs, Colo., Focus on the Family was founded in 1977 in response to James Dobson’s increasing concern for the American family. With a mission to “preserve traditional values and the institution of the family,” it includes more than 70 different ministries requiring nearly 1,300 employees. On the now-daily radio broadcasts heard on over 6,000 radios stations worldwide.
London has served at Focus on the Family’s vice president of church, clergy and Medical Outreach – sort of a pastor to pastors – for 14 years. He has directed development of ministries to pastors and their spouse, physicians, youth, the inner city, missionaries and chaplains.