Governor casts his vision for 2006 pro-life policies
By Staff
November 1, 2005
SPRINGFIELD– Gov. Matt Blunt announced to messengers attending the Missouri Baptist Convention’s annual meeting here Oct. 25 three pro-life bills he would like to see passed by the 2006 Missouri General Assembly.
Blunt turned a personal Christian testimony into a bit of a policy speech during his address. The three bills he mentioned included:
- Tax credits for pregnancy resource centers.
- A bill that would protect Missouri’s pharmacists from being forced into providing “morning after” abortion pills to patients
- Shut down abortion providers who use public funds to teach sex education in Missouri’s classrooms. The legislation would be aimed specifically at Planned Parenthood, which operates the only two remaining abortion clinics in the state.
“We need more abstinence education,” Blunt said. “We do not need propaganda that seeks to disguise abortion as birth control.”
State Rep. Brian Baker, R-Belton and a Missouri Baptist pastor, said the governor continues to lead the charge to eradicate abortion.
“I think those are things that we can accomplish,” Baker said.