Schedule for 2005 Pastors’ Conference
By Staff
October 18, 2005
JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Baptist Pastors’ Conference will be Oct. 24 from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Second Baptist Church, Springfield, on the theme of “Non-Negotiables: The Essentials of Ministry.”
Steven J. Lawson, senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, a Southern Baptist congregation in Mobile, Ala., will be the featured teacher. Lawson will deliver four messages.
“Dr. Lawson is passionate, relevant and historic,” said Monty Dunn, president of the Pastors’ Conference. “By that I mean he’s in touch with the legacy of faith that we’ve inherited. He’s very engaging in the pulpit. He’s not a dry, dusty theologian.”
Tom White, executive director, Voice of the Martyrs, Bartlesville, Okla., will preach two messages. White, who was imprisoned in 1979 for distributing Christian literature in Cuba when his small plane went down, will teach on how suffering for Christ is non-negotiable.
Doug Richey, who is preparing to become the new pastor of Pisgah Baptist Church in Excelsior Springs on Nov. 13, will kick off the afternoon session by preaching on the supremacy of sanctification.
Dunn, pastor, Pleasant View Baptist Church, Highlandville, is bi-vocational.
Monday Morning Session
8:45 Congregational Praise
8:55 Introductions……………………………. Monty Dunn
Welcome……………………………… David Clippard
9:00 Special Music — The Dunn Family
9:05 Non-Negotiable #1……………………. Steve Lawson
The Supremacy of the Savior
I Timothy 1:12-16
9:45 Congregational Praise
9:50 Special Music…………………. Voice of the Martyrs
9:55 Non-Negotiable #2………………………. Tom White
The Supremacy of Suffering – Part I
II Timothy 1:8-12
10:30 Conference Offering…………………….. Vic Borden
10:35 Congregational Praise
10:40 Special Music…………………….. The Dunn Family
10:50 Non-Negotiable #3……………………. Steve Lawson
The Supremacy of the Sovereign
I Timothy 1:17
11:30 Benediction
Lunch Break (until 12:30 p.m.)
Monday Afternoon Session
12:30 Pre-Session Music
12:50 Congregational Praise
12:55 Invocation
1:00 Special Music…………………….. The Dunn Family
1:05 Non-Negotiable #4……………………. Doug Richey
The Supremacy of Sanctification
I Timothy 4:12
1:35 Congregational Praise
1:40 Special Music…………………….. The Dunn Family
1:45 Non-Negotiable #5 …………………… Steve Lawson
The Supremacy of Scripture
II Timothy 4:1-5
2:25 Conference Offering………………… Joseph Braden
2:30 Congregational Praise
2:40 Special Music…………………. Voice of the Martyrs
2:45 Non-Negotiable #6………………………. Tom White
The Supremacy of Suffering – Part II
II Timothy 3:10-13
3:20 Election of Pastors’
?Conference Officers………………… Monty Dunn
3:25 Congregational Praise
3:35 Special Music………………………………. Joe Crider and the Second Baptist Ensemble
3:40 Non-Negotiable #7……………………. Steve Lawson
The Supremacy of Standing Firm
II Timothy 4:6-8
4:20 Introduction of New Officers………… Monty Dunn
4:30 Benediction
2005 Pastors’ Conference Officers
President – Monty Dunn
President-Elect – Vic Borden
Treasurer – Joseph Braden