October 30, 2002
SPRINGFIELD — God is still on the throne, Bob Griffin fervently reminded Missouri Baptists while delivering the annual convention sermon at the Oct. 29 morning session of the Missouri Baptist Convention’s annual meeting here.
"In a world awash in wickedness, we need to see our God is still on the throne," said Griffin, pastor of Parker Road Baptist Church in Florissant, for the past 10 years.
Preaching from Isaiah 6, Griffin related how the prophet saw the Lord in Heaven. Confronted with God’s holiness, the prophet was aware of his own sinfulness, Griffin noted.
"Rebellion is always serious and never to be treated lightly," he said. "It must be forgiven, but to continue in a state of rebellion is to continue with a fist in the face of God."
Isaiah 6 also offers encouragement for believers, Griffin said, because no matter what the circumstances are, the Lord remains in control. And just as Isaiah was commanded to share the Word of the Lord, we are commanded to spread the Gospel.
"The heart of God is to make Himself known," Griffin said, noting how Southern Baptists are sending out record numbers of missionaries.
Griffin ended the annual sermon with an admonition: "In a special time of crisis for himself and his nation, Isaiah was privileged to see the Lord sitting on His throne. Missouri Baptists, may God give us the wisdom and determination to do likewise."
Griffin’s daughter, Ginger Eppinette, shared a message in song prior to the sermon.